Flush Setting of Round Stones


Flush Setting of Round Stones



Saturday 21st June 2025


Tutor: Olivia Brown
£120 per person (includes silver ring, CZs and your own setting tool)
Suitable for beginners

7 available
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Learn how to flush set small, faceted stones in this informative one-day course. Olivia will show you how to invisibly set stones into the surface of your jewellery, adding sparkle to your wonderful creations. Students will work with a pre-made silver ring, setting CZs into the ring throughout the day (as many as you can manage!). The techniques used will be thoroughly explained and by the end of the day you will be confident to use this technique in your own workshop.

The silver ring and CZs are included in the course fee, as well as your own setting tool to take home. Students have the option to use diamonds instead of CZs if they wish at an additional cost. Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided, please bring your own packed lunch.

 If you are interested in this course but can’t do the date(s) available, click the link below to be notified when we have another date.